TEHRAN, (DMN) - Iran blasts Amnesty protest toll calling it ‘disinformation’. Iran rejected human rights watchdog Amnesty International’s
death toll at more than 100 in recent protests as “fabricated”, calling the
group a “biased” organisation.
Tehran’s UN spokesman Alireza Miryousefi described Amnesty’s
figure of 106 dead in the demonstrations as part of a “disinformation campaign
waged against Iran from outside the country”.
“Any casualty figures not confirmed by the government are
speculative [and] not reliable,” the spokesman tweeted.
In a statement on Tuesday, the UK-based rights group accused
Iranian security forces of using “excessive and lethal force” to crush the
demonstrations since they started on Friday.
Iran blasts Amnesty protest toll calling it ‘disinformation’
Iran was rocked by nationwide protests sparked by growing
anger and frustration after authorities rolled out a petrol-rationing scheme
and slashed subsidies in a move that sent prices soaring by 50 percent.
Iranian officials said the steep price increase was
imperative because of crippling American sanctions devastating its oil-based
economy, and the money raised would be given to the nation’s poorest people.
The government said the price rises were intended to raise
about $2.55bn a year for extra subsidies to 18 million families struggling on
low incomes.
Amnesty’s report said security forces inflicted brutality on
demonstrators in 21 cities, including snipers firing live rounds into crowds
from rooftops and helicopters.
“The baseless allegations and fabricated figures by biased
Western entities do not shake [the] government’s determination in making
prudent economic decisions while respecting human rights of its people,
including to freely exercise their right to protest in a peaceful environment,”
said Miryousefi.
Iran blasts Amnesty protest toll calling it ‘disinformation’
Authorities said about 1,000 people have been detained over
the violence after businesses, banks, and government offices were set ablaze or
Thousands joined pro-government demonstrations on Wednesday,
state media reported, with television footage showing rallies in Rasht, Gorgan
and Ardabil in the north, Hamadan in the west, and Shahryar, south of the
capital Tehran.
Iranian dual nationals were among protesters arrested in the
northern province of Alborz, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
Quoting security sources, it said detained German, Turkish and Afghan dual
nationals had been trained and funded by foreign security services to take
actions to destroy infrastructure and stir up civil disobedience.
Iran blasts Amnesty protest toll calling it ‘disinformation’
These dual nationals had special equipment to be used for
sabotage, it added without providing evidence or further details.
Rouhani blamed the uprising on “armed anarchists” who took to the streets “based on a plot that the “Zionists and Americans had hatched”.
Iran blasts Amnesty protest toll calling it ‘disinformation’
Reviewed by DM NEWS
November 21, 2019

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