Lotus award re-launched after a 33-year hiatus with Palestine support

Lotus award re-launched after a 33-year hiatus with Palestine support

ISLAMABAD, NOV 27 (DMN) - Lotus award re-launched after a 33-year hiatus with Palestine support. The Writers' Union of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, at its meeting in Islamabad decided at the invitation of the Pakistan Writers Union to re-launch the Lotus Award, which has been withheld since 1986.

This came after the intervention of the Secretary General of the General Union of Palestinian Writers, the poet Murad Al-Sudani, in which he explained the initiative of Palestine to re-launch the award, and that Palestine donates US $ 50,000 annually to the award to be awarded to three senior creators from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The meeting also included writers and writers in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Union of Africa, Asia and Latin America, Sharif Al-Shoubashi and the presence of Dr. Helmi Hadidi, Chairman of the Organization of Peoples' Cooperation, African and Asian.This poet Murad Al-Sudani was elected to the post of Deputy Editor of Lotus Magazine, which will be re-launched twice each year.

In this context, after the poet Murad Al-Sudani to re-launch the prize and regain Palestine its position in the Lotus magazine, saying: "Despite the siege and drying up the financial sources of Palestine and its institutions and in this complex and difficult circumstance of the history of Palestine and try to expunge its cause through the promise of Trump Black and deal century and Judaization of Jerusalem, and legitimacy, However, Palestine, with its deep culture and the work of its writers and writers who wrote in the hot ink of Palestine and the sacrifices of our people, insists on dismantling and confronting the narrative of occupation, and that Palestine donate this amount to re-launch the lotus prize.

And of the heyday of this Palestine, which do not fall in the moment and drop an important moment sought occupation, tools and anti-elites and dendritic mined the right to cancel the Palestinian truth.

The Palestinian culture is a tattoo in the Arab and human culture because it is a culture based on the glorious blood and the firm redemption that is possible.

Cultural diplomacy should extend the bridges of acculturation between Palestine and its Arab and human depth, known as its resistance culture and its remaining identity, which is the responsibility of writers, intellectuals and institutions in Palestine.

The homeland, the Diaspora and the launch of the lotus have a high meaning at this time.

Al-Sudani continued: "The restoration of Palestine to the position of deputy editor of the Lotus magazine issued by the Union of Africa, Asia, and Latin America comes in the same context, before the site was occupied by the late great poet Moin Bseiso, and then writer and media Ziad Abdel Fattah, who served as deputy editor  Editor-in-Chief from 1984 to 1989, after the magazine stopped publishing, and the return of the magazine will host Arab and international pens again and spearhead writers of Palestine who defend the causes of life and face a criminal occupation targeting the causes of life and assassinate the songs of young people and dreams, and generalize  Murder, oppression, and siege.

But the writers of Palestine continue to carry the banner that was declared by the founding battalion, which was written in blood for Palestine. "DMN


Lotus award re-launched after a 33-year hiatus with Palestine support Lotus award re-launched after a 33-year hiatus with Palestine support Reviewed by DM NEWS on November 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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