Pakistan welcomes reaffirmation of principled stance of OIC in support of Kashmir

Pakistan welcomes reaffirmation of principled stance of OIC in support of Kashmir

ISLAMABAD, NOV 29 (DMN) - Pakistan welcomes reaffirmation of principled stance of OIC in support of Kashmir. Pakistan welcomes the holding of OIC’s Human Rights Commission (IPHRC)’s first-ever “Open Discussion” on the worsening human situation in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K), as part of its 16th Regular Session, held in Jeddah on 25-28 November 2019.

The Open Discussion session, held under IPHRC’s “Standing Mechanism to Monitor Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir”, was attended by all the Commission Members and a large number of the representatives of the OIC Member and Observer States.

Addressing the situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir in all its dimensions, the Commission has:

Strongly condemned the blatant violation of human rights in IOJ&K. There are credible reports of inflicting collective punishment. 

“The systematic and systemic human rights violations have a well-defined pattern tantamount to ethnic cleansing and genocide of Kashmiris.”

Reaffirmed the right of self-determination of the people of IOJ&K under the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

Reiterated that India’s illegal steps of 5 August 2019 were illegal and void.

Condemned the continued use of pellet guns that killed and maimed innocent and unarmed civilians, use of arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings, as well as targeting of Kashmiri Muslims including peaceful protestors, under fabricated charges.

Reiterated its endorsement of the recommendation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to establish a Commission of Inquiry under the UN auspices to comprehensively investigate all the allegations of human rights violations.

Assailed the Government of India for not allowing a fact finding visit to the IOJ&K despite repeated requests by the IPHRC, OIC and UNOHCHR.

Agreed to undertake a visit to AJK to meet with the refugees, political parties and other civil society representatives from IOJ&K,after India’s repeated denial of allowing a Fact-finding Mission to IOJ&K.

Agreed to conduct an independent case study on the ‘use of pellet guns in IOJ&K by the Indian security forces against peaceful protestors including women and children.

The Commission demanded that the Government of India must:

Put an immediate end to the ongoing human rights violations in the IOJ&K; lift the inhuman curfew; restore all fundamental freedoms of Kashmiris; repeal its discriminatory laws like Armed Forces Special Power Act;

Provide access to the Fact-finding Missions of the UN, OIC and OIC-IPHRC;

Allow the OIC and ICRC to establish a ‘humanitarian corridor’ in IOK to reach out to the besieged population for provision of basic food and medical supplies; and Implement, without further delay, relevant UN resolutions to allow people of Kashmir to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through a free and fair plebiscite.

The Commission urged the United Nations and the international community to play their due role to pressurize India to take early and concrete steps in this regard.

Pakistan appreciates that, like other international human rights organizations, the IPHRC has repeatedly condemned India’s illegal actions and worsening human rights situation in IOJ&K. 

This first-ever Open Session reflects the growing concern of the Muslim Ummah, OIC , and IPHRC on the rapidly deteriorating situation in IOJ&K.=DMN


Pakistan welcomes reaffirmation of principled stance of OIC in support of Kashmir Pakistan welcomes reaffirmation of principled stance of OIC in support of Kashmir Reviewed by DM NEWS on November 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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