Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous

Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous

ISLAMABAD, DEC 18 (DMN) - Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous. The PTI core committee on Wednesday which held under the aegis of Chairman Imran Khan vowed to stand with rule of law.
The PTI legal team will chalk out a plan of action and present before the cabinet and committee and then the government response shall be made public.

Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous

This was stated by Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan SAPM on Information while briefing the media.
She also talked about prime minister visit cancellation to Malaysia and said the cabinet was thoroughly briefed about this issue.=DMN
Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous Govt to come up with response on Musharraf case after deliberations: Firdous Reviewed by DM NEWS on December 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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