Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters

Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters

ISLAMABAD, DEC 31 (DMN) - Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters. Command and Staff Conference of Pakistan Navy concluded at Naval Headquarters, Islamabad. The Conference was chaired by Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi.

Matters related to the geo-strategic environment & national security, Pakistan Navy’s plans, operational preparedness, training & welfare of troops were reviewed.
In addition, detailed briefings on various ongoing and future projects were also given to Chief of the Naval Staff.

Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters

While making an appraisal of prevalent security environment, Chief of the Naval Staff expressed full confidence over operational readiness. Reviewing the deteriorating security situation and grave human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), Chief of the Naval Staff reaffirmed that Pakistan will continue to support just and rightful struggle of Kashmiris till resolution of the issue. Reiterating Pakistan Navy’s unflinching resolve to ensure seaward defence of maritime frontiers, the Naval Chief said that the maritime situation was being closely monitored and any misadventure will be thwarted with an iron fist.

Command & Staff Conference is the apex decision making body of Pakistan Navy in which all Chiefs of Staff, Principal Staff Officers and Field Commanders and Pakistan Navy’s Flag Officers on secondment to other organizations undertake strategic review of Pakistan Navy’s Policies and Plans.=DMN


Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters Naval chief presides over command & staff conference at Naval Headquarters Reviewed by DM NEWS on December 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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